Play with Fire est une chanson du groupe de rock britannique The Rolling Stones, parue en 1965 en face B du single The Last Time. Elle est créditée à Nanker Phelge, pseudonyme employé pour les chansons coécrites par tous les membres du groupe.
Yesterday, only the very detailed status quo report from Blizzard to the technical problems of Diablo 2: Resurrected from the last weeks, now one of the announced measures already followed: with patch 10.15 the PC version gets a queue function.
The queue should only be used in phases in which the player s crowd is particularly high. The queue message appears if you leave the title screen and ends up in the game menu for the first time. Affected players experience in the message on which position in the queue they are located. Affected players have the option to leave the queue and play D2R offline. To keep the load for servers and databases as low as possible, the queue position is not constantly updated. Especially players with a high queue position will notice that the number is rarer updated, but in the background, the system always knows the actual position. Blizzard asks you to have patience and stay in the queue. Standing and joining the queue only provides further delays. Next week, these functions should also be implemented on the consoles.
And here the original post from the official forum:
Diablo 2 Resurrected: Update 10.15 - Official Patch Notes
We Have Implemented A Login Queue for High Traffic Periods. This Queue Will Pop Up After The Title Screen When Opening up The Game. The Queue Will Only Appear During High Traffic Windows. Players Will Be Shown A Number On Where They Are In Queue. Players Will Have The Option of Exiting The Queue and Playing Offline Immediately IF They Wish by Hitting Escape on the queue prompt. WE Should Note That the Higher Your Queue Number Appears, The Slower The Number wants refresh in the prompt. The Number is Still Refreshing in The Background, So We Do Not Recommend Leaving Queue As This Will Create Further Delays to You Entering the Game During Thesis High Traffic Windows.
WE Expect A Patch in The Next Week That wants Implement The Same Queue Functionality to Consoles.
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